I learned, on the way back to the centre, Timmy liked movies, so I immediately decided to take him for a movie in Garden City, a place where the best cinema is located and where the most Muzhugu is gathered. In my heart, I wanted so much to watch Inception, currently a bit hit in America, but I have Timmy with me. In the end, I chose to watch Toy Story 3 though he told me earlier that he loved scientific fantacies. But as an adult and his acting father, I had to do what was best for him. If he was my own son, I would still take him to watch Toy Story 3. To be a responsible father meant I had to watch the movie all over again as I had watched it online days ago. With soda and popcorns in hands, he enjoyed it so much.

After the movie, while we were strolling down the complex, a toy store came into my sight. As an adult with a ten-year-old kid, the instinct is to avoid the store for the good of the kid, so he will not end up asking things all the time, but I went it with though whole heart saying no. I gave myself an excuse-today is special since Timmy is starting his holiday and he needs something to play with when he is free. One can always find reasons so justifiable that even oneself is afterwards confused about where the whole reasoning process started. In the end, If your own kid is happy, then you are satisfied. After a long selection, walking back and forth many times, Timmy finally chose a electronic car with a remote control-a complete luxury for african kids. But I'm his acting parent, so it was not a luxury for him.

We then went to have dinner on the ground floor of the complex. The place was called Pizza Hut, a name written in a different shape from what we see in the west for the sake of the copy

I sent John to buy a battery for Timmy's remote control while we were waiting to be served. While he was absent, I secretly put some chilli source on his plate. I knew so well that he hated the chilli for which he calle it his enemy, but I just wanted to trick him for the second time after the first time he tricked himself some days back. After he cawme back, I told him to try the special source which Timmy and I all had tried. Timmy agreed my statement in silence with a face of mischief. John tried and then he cried.
Landon, so good to read this :) we took timoty for a movie in garden city also, only back than he hated pizza...! say hello to everybody from us. take care of these amazing children... :)